This is great--from what I know, record sales are up this year, and I suspect all that time at home has made folks appreciate the kind of music you can listen to while *staying still.* We've been a vinyl family for a few years now, though my own pandemic habit has been (of all things) cassette tapes. Played on a series of boomboxes from ebay--I've even gotten handy at repairing cassette belts, too. I like that cassettes have the potential to be DIY in their construction; reached out to facebook friends and asked if anyone was looking to marie kondo-purge old mix tapes and got several shoeboxes in the mail full. A unique experience. But the appeal is much the same: you sit down and have a curated interaction with art. It's like the difference between reading medium posts and novels. Both are good, but one of them forces you to have a deeper level of engagement. It can be harder to make the time, but it's also harder to mentally click away.